Friday 30 September 2011

Autumnal Mornings

Mornings in late September are inclined to make me sleep in and wake as though life is not so special as it is when the sunshine is filling the bedroom with promise and warmth.
That was how I felt recently and with guilt that I had slept so long due to lack of sun and the threat of rain.
Kettle on and the post arrived, nice to receive mail but did I really want a letter telling me to act now to secure my funeral costs were covered!
Goodness me I found myself becoming more depressed by the minute, then a text arrived from my grand-daughter requesting my full address and all I could think was that perhaps tomorrow I would receive a delightful letter or a beautiful card made by her to cheer me up when I felt so down with the approach of shorter days and colder weather.
What a difference a day makes the sun is shining, the postman has been and there on the mat a pink envelope addressed to 'Nanny'. On opening, a card, not hand made but inside decorated with the sweetest decoupage cut outs of teddy bears and a note saying this will brighten my day, love you lots.
How did she know that I needed this so much, today of all days?

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